On this episode of Catholic Forum, after a news update from The Dialog, Catholic Charities’ Stephanie Kelton chats with Bayard House Program Manager, Stacy Brooks.
Bayard House is a licensed residential program that serves at-risk, homeless, pregnant and/or newly parenting adolescent, young women and their babies.
You can see a video of Stephanie’s interview with Stacy on our YouTube Channel – YouTube.com/DioceseofWilm. Follow us on Facebook @CatholicForum.
• Podcast Link – catholicforumradio.libsyn.com/learn-about-the-pro-life-work-of-catholic-charities-bayard-house
• Video Link – youtu.be/dlqAzE6b15M?si=brrcAi3hGd7C2gPc
• Radio program airs 5/11/24 at 1:30 p.m. on Relevant Radio 640.