Home Marriage and Family ForYourMarriage.org now mobile-responsive in time for National Marriage Week

ForYourMarriage.org now mobile-responsive in time for National Marriage Week


WASHINGTON — On the first day of National Marriage Week Feb. 7-14, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops announced the launch of a new mobile-responsive ForYourMarriage.org website.

“I hope this new platform will reach many more people with the message of God’s plan for marriage and be a source of support to husbands and wives at every stage of their vocational journey,” Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia said in a Feb. 7 statement as chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth.

Originally launched in 2007, ForYourMarriage.org is a USCCB initiative that began as the communications component of the National Pastoral Initiative for Marriage. It continues to play a key role in advancing the USCCB’s priority on marriage and family, according to a news release about the website launch.

With a grant from the Catholic Communications Campaign, the new website includes updated content, graphics, and a new section dedicated to marriage and family ministry leaders. The site was developed in collaboration with Crosby Communications and Marketing.

ForYourMarriage.org “offers numerous resources on the meaning and beauty of marriage in God’s plan and provides support to couples at every stage of their journey,” said the USCCB.

It includes sections on dating, marriage preparation, mixed marriages, parenting and family, natural family planning and the stages of marriage. A marriage resource section offers daily marriage tips; marriage help and support links; and solutions to common challenges.

The site addresses questions specific to planning a Catholic wedding as well as related church documents and teachings are available on the website.

In addition to such resources, the website features couples who write about their real-life experiences as engaged couples, newlyweds or seasoned couples with weekly blog posts. There are book reviews; reports on current events and research related to marriage; and recent teachings about marriage and family life from Pope Francis.

Other websites hosted by the USCCB dedicated to promoting marriage include PorTuMatrimonio.org and MarriageUniqueForAReason.org