A new year is upon us, full of hope and the promise of new beginnings. If you’ve made resolutions to increase your spiritual studies, or be more active, here are a few things in the Diocese of Wilmington to check out:
• Although Lent is a few more weeks away, preparation for the annual Via Crucis at St. Anthony in Wilmington has begun. In person sign-ups are happening on Jan. 12 & 19 at 1:30 p.m. All grade-school age to college-age boys and girls are welcome. For more information, email stanthony.viacrucis@gmail.com
• On Sunday, Jan. 12, check out the popular Second Sunday Breakfast Buffet at St. Helena’s Masci Hall in north Wilmington. The buffet is open from 8 a.m.-12:45 p.m. and features a large assortment of hot foods, baked goods, fresh waffles, omelets, beverages and more. $12 for adults, $5 children under 12. For more information or for reservations, contact Nancy, (302) 598-8685 or Natiesmom@me.com.
• Don’t let the cold weather keep you down – the Knights at St. Polycarp Church in Smyrna are hosting a Hawaiian Luau in the parish hall on Jan. 18 from 5:30-9 p.m. The night features dinner, dancing, entertainment and more. $45 per person. For more information, contact Anna Skinner, ANNA.SKIN@gmail.com or 302-883-5647.
• If you are downstate and planning to go to the Jan. 24 March for Life, District 26 KofC is hosting a free round-trip bus to D.C. Bus stops at Chestertown, Centreville, Chesapeake College and the Kent Island Park & Ride. For more details and reservations contact: Kenny Platt 443-926-2801 plattkpc@aol.com
• Women looking for a retreat opportunity should check out “The Spirituality of Friendship,” a one-day women’s retreat at St. Mary of the Assumption in Hockessin on Jan. 25 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Explore friendship as a way of life through our relationships with ourselves, others, nature, and God. For more information and registration, go to: smachurch.com/retreat or contact Eileen at emgaus@comcast.net or (302) 224-0342.
• Looking ahead, the Ministry of Caring’s International Night Dinners return to the Francis X. Norton Center in Wilmington on Jan. 26 at 5 p.m. This month’s guest chefs are from Luigi’s Cafe in Hockessin with Italian specialities. Doors open at 5 p.m., dinner at 5:30 p.m. No takeout available. $35 per person. All meals by pre-paid reservation only. For more information and reservations, contact Michael Sullivan, (302) 652-3228, ext. 701, or msullivan@ministryofcaring.org
• Celebrate Filipino culture at the Sinulog-Santo Niño Festival at St. Elizabeth Parish in Wilmington on Jan. 26 at 4 p.m. Sinulog-Santo Niño Festival is an annual cultural and religious festival from Cebu City, Philippines, that honors the Santo Niño, or the child Jesus and is characterized with dancing and chanting. All, especially young ones, are welcome. Feel free to bring your image of the Santo Niño to church and join in the procession and blessing of Santo Niño images. For more information, contact Millette Angeles, (302) 325-0556, or George and Issa Romero, (925) 325-3315.
• If you’re looking to add spiritual study to your life in the new year, check out the series on Jesus at St. Matthew and Corpus Christi Churches that starts Jan. 26. “Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life” features materials from Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Jeff Cavins and Edward Sri and is a “fresh, new look at Jesus, who he is what he is really like, what he taught and what he did for our salvation.” Corpus Christi hosts ten Sundays, St. Matthew hosts ten Tuesdays. For more information and to register, contact Debbie Ciafre, (302) 275-8717.
• Resurrection Parish will host a book group beginning Jan. 28 featuring “The Three Ordinary Voices of God” by Matthew Kelly. The group meets for four weeks: Tuesdays, Jan. 28-Feb. 18; afternoon session starts Jan. 28, 1:30-3 p.m., led by Angie Malmgren. Night group starts Jan. 28, 7-8:30 p.m., led by Joe McClory. Books will be provided. There is no cost to attend. Register at www.jesushousecenter.org or call 302-995-6859.
• Only a few openings remain on the Oct. 26-Nov. 5 Diocesan Pilgrimage to Italy with Bishop Koenig. $4,850 per person, double occupancy, cost includes transportation, hotels and many wonderful tours. For more information, go to cdow.org/jubileepilgrimage/
• Sign up now for the annual Wedding Anniversary Mass on Feb. 9 at 1 p.m. at St. Margaret of Scotland Church in Newark. Couples in the Diocese of Wilmington celebrating significant anniversaries in 5-year increments — 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and beyond are invited to attend. There will be an opportunity for photos with Bishop Koening before and after Mass. Reservations are needed and required by Feb. 4. For more information, contact the Office for Marriage and Family Life, (302) 295-0657 or OMFL@cdow.org. Registration can be completed by using the following link – https:// cdowcym.wufoo.com/forms/zdx6q1g0hx3jsm/
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For complete calendar listings, check out our Datebook page: thedialog.org/datebook-1/