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Tag: Annunciation

Mary’s famous fiat reminds us what Advent means — Laura Kelly...

What if the best thing for us to do during Advent is not more, but less? When faced with the coming of Christ -- in...

Bishop Koenig leads local consecration of Russia and Ukraine to Immaculate...

WILMINGTON — A large crowd at the Cathedral of St. Peter worshiped as Bishop Koenig, Bishop Malooly and other priests joined the worldwide consecration...

Our Lenten Journey, March 25: St. Elizabeth

Today is the feast of the Annunciation, the moment when the angel Gabriel brought very important and unexpected news to Mary. However, this isn't...

Pope Francis: ‘Everything changes’ with Christ’s birth

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Annunciation -- the Angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she will bear God's son — was such a tremendous,...