Tag: Catholic women
Panel favors women priests in face of papal teaching — ‘the...
WASHINGTON — A Georgetown panel considered “the question of women’s ordination” April 17, describing the matter as “unfinished” despite Pope Francis’ current teaching and...
St. Paul VI: ‘The hour is coming, in fact has come,...
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. I've found myself rereading the council documents, since they are...
Pope Francis plans to expand the role of women in church...
VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis said he plans to name two women to the committee that helps him choose bishops for the world's Latin-rite...
Synod of Bishops calls for more church roles for women, but...
VATICAN CITY -- Members of the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon asked that women be given leadership roles in the Catholic Church, although...
Conference includes focus on female leadership in the church — ‘To...
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The church needs the voices of women wherever important decisions are made -- and it needs their voices now more...
Vatican publication looks at ways to raise profile of women in...
VATICAN CITY -- Too often in the Catholic Church, "the sacrifices of women are used only to reinforce the power of those who already...
Viewpoint: Extraordinary women ready to give their best
As we endure these difficult days in the life of our Church, I’ve been thinking about the potential for committed Catholic women to bind...