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Tag: child labor

Pope Francis condemns economy that ‘does not respect life,’ exploits children

VATICAN CITY -- While society is increasingly focused on pushing the limits of human achievement, it must not lose sight of its duty to...

‘World Day Against Child Labor’ theme for 2024 — Let’s act...

Nearly one in 10 children are forced into child labor globally, with some compelled into hazardous work through trafficking. On June 12, humanitarian institutions...

U.S. Department of Labor investigation finds McDonald’s has illegally employed 305...

The family-friendly reputation of fast-food giant McDonald's was recently spoiled when three franchises that own more than 60 Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland and Ohio locations...

Biden administration receives praise for crack down on employers who illegally...

WASHINGTON -- The Biden administration recently announced it would take new actions aimed at preventing the labor exploitation of migrant children released from U.S....

An estimated 22,000 child laborers are killed annually

When you sit down for breakfast tomorrow and eat melon or bananas or drink coffee, will you know if a child's hands picked them? The...