Tag: homily
Realizing the ultimate dream — Sunday homily, Father Clemens D. Manista
Homily for the Seventeenth Sunday of the Year
July 26, 2020
“Cycle A”
Father Clemens D. Manista
Our Mother of Sorrows/St. Peter the Apostle Parish
Centreville, Maryland
Through the parables...
We must do our spiritual due diligence — Sunday homily, Father...
15th Sunday – A
July 12, 2020
Pastor, St. Mary Magdalen parish
Today’s gospel of the “sower & the seed” reminds us of what...
Matthew reminds us we must journey together — 13th Sunday in...
By Father Roger DiBuo
It seems everything now revolves around COVID-19 … as it should. We are all living through a life altering experience. COVID-19...
Corpus Christi Sunday 2020, closing the distance: Sunday homily by Father...
I was an “angst-y” teen.
My family prefers to use the word “miserable,” but let’s not argue over semantics here.
And like all...
Looking to Peter on Good Shepherd Sunday — Fourth Sunday of...
Among these fifty days of Easter, today is Good Shepherd Sunday. But where are the children in white, moving toward the altar...
WATCH: Extraordinary event in salvation history — Sunday homily, Msgr. Steven...
(The Dialog news operation is providing special alerts to readers of the Angelus e-newsletter. Sign up here for a free subscription to the Angelus).
Editor brother assigns priest brother to provide Sunday homily for his...
With no public Masses available in-person, the editor wanted to provide a Sunday homily for readers. So he reached into the branches of his...
Series on the Mass: The homily partnership
There is very little that a priest does each week that requires so much attention as the Sunday homily. The homily can be a...
Pope: Heaven is an encounter with Jesus, not a boring waiting...
VATICAN CITY -- Heaven is not an eternally dull existence but rather the completion of a journey toward a promised encounter with the Lord,...