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Tag: Leadership Conference of Women Religious

Leadership Conference of Women Religious concludes assembly with focus on social...

ST. LOUIS -- With a focus on social justice, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious concluded its annual general assembly with an eye on...

Interfaith activists present plan to Biden administration to speed up reunification...

WASHINGTON -- An interfaith collection of religious activists is asking the Biden administration to step up the pace of family reunification to remedy the...

LCWR calls on President Donald Trump to stop using ‘divisive and...

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. -- Delegates at the Leadership Conference of Women Religious' annual assembly, meeting in Scottsdale, approved a letter to be sent to President...

U.S. men and women religious superiors favor women deacons, study says

WASHINGTON – A new study by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University surveyed men and women religious superiors in...