Tag: marriages
Trend shows population of ‘never-marrieds’ is on the rise and the...
A recently released study from the Institute for Family Studies, a Charlottesville, Va.-based think tank dedicated to strengthening marriage and family life, reveals that...
What were your first impressions of your spouse what helped your...
We know the story by heart: A couple meets, sparks fly and it's happily ever after.
Or is it?
I asked four long-married couples about their...
Natural Family Planning celebrates ‘God’s design for married love and the...
WASHINGTON -- Natural Family Planning Awareness Week is slated for July 19-25 this year and has as its theme: "Live the truth and beauty...
‘Your life is not about you’ never more present than among...
"I finally understand why he compares heaven to a wedding feast," I whispered to my husband as I looked out at the faces of...