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Tag: Trenton Bishop David M. O’Connell

Bishop David M. O’Connell of Trenton, N.J., continues to recover from...

TRENTON, N.J. -- Bishop David M. O'Connell of Trenton was moved from intensive care to the Cardiac Care Unit of Santo Spirito Hospital in...

Bishop David M. O’Connell of Trenton, N.J., suffers heart attack, recovers...

Bishop David M. O'Connell of Trenton, 68, suffered a heart attack Jan. 4 while in Rome and was taken to Santo Spirito hospital where...

May the Assumption of Mary lead us all to heaven —...

Yes, Tuesday, August 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven (and the Patronal Feast of the Diocese of...