Home Our Diocese Mass for Vocations held in Diocese of Wilmington

Mass for Vocations held in Diocese of Wilmington

Sr. Margeret Gigina Holloran, Sr. Francis Catherine Reynolds, and Sr. Charles Patricia Missetta present Bishop Malooly with the gifts during a Mass for Vocations at the Cathedral of Saint Peter Church, Saturday, May 26, 2018. photo/Don Blake

About 70 people in the Diocese of Wilmington made time on Saturday of the holiday weekend to attend the Mass for Vocations at the Cathedral of St. Peter.

The diocese had no priestly ordinations this year, but the Vocations Office held the Mass to promote and pray for more men to consider whether they are being called.

The Mass, according to Father Norman Carroll, director of vocations for the diocese, was Bishop Malooly’s idea. Priests and religious were present to answer questions and provide contact information to anyone who expressed interest.