Edith Avila Olea, Catholic News Service
Yearning for pandemic’s end, we can try to make the most...
Advent is less than a week away! This is the time we take to reflect on the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As...
In Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis connects with those suffering around the...
You may have heard that in early October, Pope Francis released his latest encyclical, "Fratelli Tutti, on Fraternity and Social Friendship." Pope Francis once...
Very few fit completely into right or left agendas, but all...
We are two months away from the 2020 presidential election. My social media, as I'm sure yours as well, are filled with extreme leftist...
Coronavirus challenge is not about my health, it’s about our health:...
One of my favorite parts of being Mexican is the notion or tradition of family. Our family extends far beyond our immediate family members....