Paul Senz, Catholic News Service
Sixth Sunday of Lent: God always responds with mercy
Every year on Palm Sunday, we hear the narrative of the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This year, we read from the Gospel...
Ash Wednesday: It’s easy for us to say we want to...
One of the challenges we Catholics face is the way in which our liturgical calendar almost becomes like white noise in the background.
There is...
Commemorating the Communion of Saints on All Saints’ Day
The author of the Letter to the Hebrews wrote, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid...
Giving alms is not just a good idea, it’s our moral...
Lent is a time of sacrifice. We strive to unite ourselves with the suffering of Jesus, walking with him in the desert, agonizing with...
Is Vacation Bible School worthwhile?
Summer usually brings with it a certain slowdown. This is no different for school and parish life. School is out, religious education classes and...
Why do Catholics venerate relics?
The veneration of relics is a fundamentally biblical practice; it is not some sort of innovation in the centuries after Christ. On the contrary,...
Holy friendship: ‘A remnant of paradise’
From the first moments of creation, God declared that "it is not good for the man to be alone" (Gn 2:18). Human beings long...
Jesus' journey to Jerusalem
Catholic News Service
In many ways, the Gospel of Mark is quite mysterious. Even a superficial reading often leads to many questions. A deeper reading...