Russell Shaw, OSV News
Book review: ‘True Confessions’ offers sharp perspectives on the future of...
Parishes closing or consolidating. Fewer and fewer people at Sunday Mass. An aging corps of priests and not enough new vocations to take their...
A profoundly Catholic theological vision informs Flannery O’Connor’s writing — Russell...
Flannery O'Connor was not an evangelist. She was an artist, one of the most gifted American fiction writers of the 20th century. But a...
Search for something better need not look beyond existing message of...
Before 2023 becomes a memory, I want to salute a significant 30th anniversary. Thirty years ago, St. John Paul II published an encyclical on...
U.S. politics badly needs an infusion of decency and idealism via...
One needn’t be a big fan of Kevin McCarthy to see the California Republican’s ouster as Speaker of the House of Representatives as a...
New cardinals, important work at Vatican hints that successor to Pope...
In case you didn’t notice, the process of choosing the next pope has begun. No, Pope Francis is still going strong and the cardinals...
Synod on Synodality: Doesn’t the process require letting people say what...
With the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops soon to get underway, there's a certain question that needs to be faced:...