To help the faithful observe Lent in the Diocese of Wilmington, this year’s annual Lenten Journey will focus on the theme of Reconciliation, in anticipation of Reconciliation Monday, April 11.
Today’s reflection:
“Nothing of what a repentant sinner places before God’s mercy can be excluded from the embrace of his forgiveness.” — Pope Francis
Read the full text from Pope Francis’ 2016 Apostolic Letter, “Misericordia et Misera” (Mercy with Misery) here. The Holy Father writes about forgiveness and mercy, citing examples from the Gospel where Jesus encountered two sinners who felt joy when they encountered his forgiveness. Pope Francis also reminds us that God’s “love always precedes us, accompanies us and remains with us, despite our sin.”
Prepare for Reconciliation Monday by reading The Dialog story here: ‘Reconciliation Monday’ April 11 helps all in Diocese of Wilmington prepare for Easter
For more information on Reconciliation Monday from the diocesan website, click here:
For resources on how to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Basic explanation of the Sacrament:
Resources about the sacrament:
A step-by-step guide to Reconciliation: