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Encountering Emmanuel this Advent with Heather Khym on this week’s episode of Catholic Forum in Diocese of Wilmington

Catholic Forum

On this episode of Catholic Forum, after a news update from The Dialog, we talk with Heather Khym, author of “Encountering Emmanuel: A Guided Advent Journal for Prayer and Meditation.

Heather Khym is the cohost of the internationally popular Abiding Together podcast and the author of Abide. She and her husband, Jake, are the cofounders of Life Restoration Ministries, where she serves as director of vision and ministry of the British Columbia–based apostolate. She also serves as director of the Celtic Cross Foundation.

Heather has more than twenty-five years of experience as a speaker and retreat leader offering workshops and conferences in the United States and Canada. She attended Franciscan University of Steubenville, where she studied theology and catechetics. She lives with her husband and three children in British Columbia, Canada.

You can see a video of Bob’s interview with Heather on the Diocese of Wilmington’s YouTube channel. Please like and subscribe.

• Podcast drops Nov. 20 at 12 p.m. – catholicforumradio.libsyn.com/encounter-emmanuel-this-advent-with-heather-khym

• Video drops Nov. 20 at 12 p.m. – youtu.be/0Vm6BPQB16M?si=m_DUnOCWdcuVG53N

• Radio program airs Nov. 23 at 1:30 p.m. on Relevant Radio 640AM.