Home Catholic Forum On this week’s Catholic Forum, learn about the Catholic way to deal...

On this week’s Catholic Forum, learn about the Catholic way to deal with anxiety from counselor Catherine DiNuzzo


On this episode of Catholic Forum, after a news update from The Dialog, we’ll talk to Catherine DiNuzzo, MA, a Licensed Professional Counselor who operates DiNuzzo Counseling (DC).

Offering traditional counseling from a Catholic perspective, DiNuzzo has been in private practice since 2010. She is faithful to the Magisterium and operates her practice in that same manner.

She is also the founder of Sacred Heart Mental Wellness and author of the book, “The Catholic Guide Through Anxiety.”

Catholic Forum is a production of the Office of Communication of the Diocese of Wilmington.

You can see a video of this interview on the Diocese of Wilmington’s YouTube Channel – www.YouTube.com/DioceseofWilm.

• Podcast debuts June 26 at noon:


• Video debuts June 26 at noon: youtu.be/v6UU09of2qw

• Radio program airs June 29 at 1:30 p.m. on 640AM.