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Mass, spiritual works and a social media fast topped the list of Catholic Schools Week events at Saint Peter & Paul High School

Taking part in school Mass at Saints Peter & Paul in Easton, Md., in recognition of Catholic Schools Week are, from left, gift bearers Samantha Murphy and Morgan Quade, and altar servers Kaylin Palmer and Hank Wolters.

A school Mass celebrated Jan. 31 by pastor Father Jim Nash was one of the highlights of Catholic Schools Week at Saints Peter & Paul High school in Easton, Md.

Students also spoke at Masses at Saints Peter & Paul parish the weekend beginning Catholic Schools Week.

During the week, students took part in activities that included a social media fast, a thank you project for benefactors, student blue-and-white tag day, rosary for our nation and celebrating American saints and creating spiritual bouquets for the bishop and priests in the deanery.

The students finished the week with an eighth grade vs. faculty volleyball game and family Bingo.