Here are some of the activities planned for Catholic Schools Week in the Diocese of Wilmington.
St. Ann School
Monday, Jan. 27: Adopt a community partner appreciation project; school spelling bee
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Student appreciation day — casual day, middle school field trip, elementary assembly
Wednesday, Jan. 29: National appreciation day for Catholic schools — write letters to local and government leaders; school showcase for parishioners
Thursday, Jan. 30: Clergy appreciation, gift basket drive for the founding order, the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia; class religion bees
Friday, Jan. 31: Student council time capsule presentation, Mass, faculty appreciation luncheon
Good Shepherd School
Sunday, Jan. 26: Wear your school uniform to noon Mass
Monday, Jan. 27: Spirit wear allowed with a food donation for St. Vincent de Paul Society; Project Linus blankets; living rosary for vocations at 8 a.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Wear red to show how much you love receiving a Catholic education. Project Linus blankets; kindergarten and first grade will make parishioner rosary bracelets
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Dress like your teacher; teacher luncheon
Thursday, Jan. 30: Trip to the National Aquarium in Baltimore
Friday, Jan. 31: Charity awareness; learning opportunity about service dogs
Mount Aviat Academy
Monday, Jan. 27: Opening prayer, scholastic book fair opens, holy door schoolwide art project begins
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Parent light breakfast in the gymnasium from 7:45-8:30 a.m., Future City Expo
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Middle school musical, “Shakespeare Rocks,” at 7 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 30: Schoolwide bingo
Friday, Jan. 31: Spirit day, book fair closes, eighth grade vs. eighth-grade parents volleyball
Padua Academy
Monday, Jan. 27: Uniform add-on (Padua activity or class shirt), hot chocolate bar, collection for Mary Mother of Hope House begins
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Mass with Bishop Koenig at 10 a.m., religion bowl
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Teacher appreciation, parent association faculty brunch, uniform add-on (favorite Catholic grade school, high school or college)
Thursday, Jan. 30: Student appreciation, spirit day dress down, pretzels at lunch
Friday, Jan. 31: color wars, student council spirit assembly
Nativity Prep
Monday, Jan. 27: Manhood Monday (dress to impress). Pot luck lunch for faculty and staff. Spice wars through Wednesday.
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Celebrate community by wearing a local partner swag.
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Celebrating vocations. Mass at Serviam, skating (crazy socks and hoodies)
Thursday, Jan. 30: Beatitudes “bee” scavenger hunt. Wear anything red, white and blue.
Friday, Jan. 31: Celebrate our students. Rep the Prep or house gear. Awards assembly.
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sunday, Jan. 26: Eighth-graders will read at Mass. School showcase.
Monday, Jan. 27: Book exchange; students may wear IHM spirit shirts; begin collection for Souper Bowl.
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Spartan Games; student bingo; no homework.
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Day of Giving begins at 8 a.m.; faculty appreciation breakfast; memory emails, grades 5-8; making valentines for local nursing home.
Thursday, Jan. 30: One decade of the rosary will be prayed throughout the morning until completed. Religion bowl at 1:15 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 31: Closing Mass, with essay winner reading; eighth-grade staff vs. students volleyball game. Souper Bowl canned food drive ends.
St. Anthony of Padua
Sunday, Jan. 26: Mass at 11 a.m. continuing jubilee year celebration
Monday, Jan. 27: Faithful Friends animal shelter collection — food, toys, and blankets.
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Student of the Month announcement; dress down day for everyone; spelling bee — 8 a.m. for middle school. Anything but a Backpack Day for middle school; hot chocolate bar.
Wednesday, Jan. 29: students vs. teachers trivia game, 10 a.m. in the gym; letters/cards for military service members and first responders.
Thursday, Jan. 30: All students wear their gym uniform. Make cards for the religious staff within our parish (Assisi House for Sisters of St. Francis and Childs for the Oblates); spirit day activities and games in the gym.
Friday, Jan. 31: Hot chocolate bar for teachers; lunch provided by Home and School; schoolwide bingo.
Saturday, Feb. 1: Alumni and family photos. Email mgallo@stanthonynet.org.
Holy Cross
Monday, Jan. 27: Mass organized by fourth grade, acknowledgment of Home and School Association, cards for parish staff, silly socks day and sock donation, book fair begins
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Teacher tag day with coffee truck, teacher gift card giveaway, movies and games.
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Special prayer for the nation by military family students; prayer buddy activity; cards and letters for parents; red, white and blue bling
Thursday, Jan. 30: Acts of appreciation for priests and deacons, eighth-grade vocations presentations, Sisters of Mercy or Holy Cross priests visit classrooms
Friday, Jan. 31: Student tag day, ice cream at lunch, eighth grade vs. faculty/staff volleyball, magician
St. Francis de Sales
Sunday, Jan. 26: Guest speakers will be at all of the Masses. School focus is the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Students wear their uniforms.
Monday, Jan. 27: Lunch is provided for teachers. Service project — collect hats/gloves/mittens/ scarves/socks. Spelling bee
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Out of uniform day, with basketball teams wearing their uniforms; “Anything but a Bookbag”; no homework. Parents in the building from 8-10 a.m. Coffee bar for parents. Afternoon dance party.
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Students may wear one red/white/blue accessory. After Mass, we will gather around the flagpole to say the pledge, have choir sing national anthem, sing Grand Old Flag. Talent Show dress rehearsal.
Thursday, Jan. 30: Students and teachers wear spirit wear. Breakfast for teachers. Honor vocations as religion lesson. Basketball against Most Blessed Sacrament from 9:30-11:30.; Thank you cards for priests and religious. Students vs. teachers trivia. Talent show at 6:30 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 31: Grandparents are meeting in the parish center at 8:30 a.m. for the prayer service. Visit book fair and spirit wear and photo booth. Dismissal at noon; staff lunch at 1 p.m. Bull roast at 6.
Saint Mark’s High School
Sunday, Jan. 26: School president Patrick Tiernan will be hosting a seminar about the Gospel of St. Mark, which is open to the public.
Monday, Jan. 27: Mass with Bishop Koenig, followed by reception. Boys’ basketball will honor the faculty at their game.
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Students who are Scouts will gather to raise the flag with a drum corps.
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Spartans in government career panel will include Wilmington Mayor John Carney (Class of 1974), Judge Francis J. Jones Jr. and New Castle County Executive Marcus Henry. Girls’ basketball will honor faculty at their game.
Thursday, Jan. 30: Seniors will travel to St. John the Beloved School at 8 a.m. Theology classes will focus on vocations.
Friday, Jan. 31: Classroom appreciation surprises; basketball games at the SL24 Classic.
Most Blessed Sacrament
Sunday, Jan. 26: Students wear uniforms to Mass
Monday, Jan. 27: all-out ‘80s celebration, pastries for parents, Hit the Books kickoff, service project kickoff for the canned food drive
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Comfy cozy PJ day, student breakfast, girls and boys varsity basketball games vs. St. Francis de Sales, half-court shot competition at halftime
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Red, white and blue dress day; breakfast/coffee cart for teachers; valentines for the community; special tribute to military; variety show
Thursday, Jan. 30: religion bingo, boys and girls junior varsity basketball games vs. St. Francis de Sales, Mass, class project recognizing vocations
Friday, Jan. 31: sport jersey day, staff vs. eighth grade volleyball, volunteer recognition, Maryland Science Center assembly.
Holy Angels
Saturday, Jan. 25: parish/school Mass, 6 p.m., bilingual children’s Mass
Monday, Jan. 27: movie day, handwriting contest winners announced
Tuesday, Jan. 28: DEAR prayer partner; happy birthday, Mazie, open house (consider bringing an item or making a small donation to Grassroots Dog Rescue), dress down color wars
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Mass, presentation of class symbols, teacher appreciation luncheon, noon dismissal
Thursday, Jan. 30: Jungle John and Safari Sue, color/number virtual bingo
Friday, Jan. 31: eucharistic adoration/benediction, faculty/staff vs. eighth grade volleyball match
St. John the Beloved
Monday, Jan. 27: Bowling day; dance party for early childhood students; collection for Table of Plenty Outreach begins
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Mass at 9:30 a.m., parents invited; spelling bee for grades 3-8
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Faculty and staff lunch provided by Home and School Association; student appreciation; faculty/parent appreciation day. Day of Giving begins.
Thursday, Jan. 30: Mismatch dress down day; pizza. Bingo for students. Day of Giving ends.
Friday, Jan. 31: Spirit wear dress down day; puppeteer for younger students; afternoon board games or class movie. Eighth-grade volleyball match.
Aquinas Academy
Monday, Jan. 27: Gym activities in the afternoon
Tuesday, Jan. 28: School Mass
Wednesday, Jan. 29: Hawaiian-themed dress down
Thursday, Jan. 30: School-provided meal, staff eats with students, catechism contest
Friday, Jan. 31: No school in honor of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Bosco
St. Peter Cathedral School
Tuesday, Jan. 28: Community Day. The community is invited to the school from 9-11 a.m. for a tour and for coffee and doughnuts.
Thursday, Jan. 31: Vocation/career day, 1-3 p.m., featuring alumni (author, former professional football player), community members (lawyers, social workers, Delaware Blue Coats, National Guard) and Father Joseph McQuaide talking to students about their path to success.