Home Education and Careers St. John the Beloved School starts Catholic Schools Week with a strike:...

St. John the Beloved School starts Catholic Schools Week with a strike: Photo gallery

St. John the Beloved School students opened Catholic Schools week with a bowling trip.

WILMINGTON – St. John the Beloved School got Catholic Schools Week rolling – pun intended – on Jan. 27 with a trip to Bowlero at Prices Corner, just a few miles from the parish campus. Students made the visit in two groups, turning a normally quiet morning at the lanes into something quite different.

The first shift included the eighth-graders bowling with their partners from kindergarten, and the seventh grade with the first grade. Sixth-graders also made that trip. Later on, the second- through fifth-grade students had their turn.

Monday marked the start of a busy Catholic Schools Week at St. John the Beloved. It will conclude on Friday with a visit from a puppeteer, along with a volleyball match between the eighth-graders and the faculty.

Photos by Mike Lang.