Home Local Sports Registration open for Diocese of Wilmington CYO McNesby golf outing Sept. 18...

Registration open for Diocese of Wilmington CYO McNesby golf outing Sept. 18 at Deerfield Golf Club

For over 32 years, men and women around Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore have raised money for programs and services benefitting the young people served by Catholic Youth, Young Adult and Family Ministry.

Golfers should register now for the annual CYO Joseph A. McNesby Jr. Golf Outing on Sept. 18 at Deerfield Golf Club.

The day starts with registration at 10:30 a.m., lunch at 11:15, a shotgun start at noon and auction/dinner at 5:30 p.m.

Cost is $200 per golfer, with an additional $30 tournament special. Sponsorships are also being accepted.

For more information, call (302) 658-3800 or visit catholicyouth@cdow.org