Home Education and Careers Christ the Teacher school, St. Margaret of Scotland parish announce expansion plans

Christ the Teacher school, St. Margaret of Scotland parish announce expansion plans

Artist rendering of gymnasium at Christ the Teacher Catholic school.

Christ the Teacher Catholic School announced that it will break ground on a $4.3 million new classroom and gymnasium addition on May 30, 2018, at 2:00 pm. In addition, St. Margaret of Scotland Parish also announced that it will break ground on a parish social hall, completing the campus master plan at the corner of Frazer Road and Route 40 in Glasgow.

Artist rendering of St. Margaret of Scotland parish social hall.

Bishop W. Francis Malooly, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington, Monsignor Steven Hurley, Vicar General, Louis De Angelo, Superintendent of Schools, Sister LaVerne King, RSM, Principal, Mr. Stephen Adams, Assistant Principal, Monsignor John Hopkins, Pastor of SMOS and Canonical Administrator of CTTCS, supporting pastors of CTTCS, and various other dignitaries from the school and construction teams will be present to formally break ground for the project. ABHA Architects have been chosen as the design firm for the project, with CDA Engineering as the civil engineering firm, both of Wilmington.

Furlow Associates of Claymont are the consulting engineers. HSC Builders of Exton, PA, will be the on-site construction managers of the project.

Tom Holmes will be the project manager of both projects. Construction will begin for both buildings in mid-June with a timeline of one full year with a targeted opening date of August 2019.

Christ the Teacher Catholic School is breaking ground on a 16,700-square-foot classroom and gymnasium addition that will feature a varsity regulation-sized basketball court, double practice volleyball courts, two pre-kindergarten classrooms, storage space for the school and athletic equipment, office space, concession area and lobby.

“The need for additional space was evident before the doors first opened when hundreds of prospective school parents came to learn more about the new Catholic school coming to southern New Castle County. Enrollment has remained steady and construction is now a reality,” said Sister LaVerne King, founding principal in 2002, who still ministers at the school today.

“Our current gym is too small for varsity games and practices; we need to constantly rent other facilities and use
borrowed space. Our athletes have never played a varsity basketball game on their home court,” said Assistant Principal Stephen Adams. “The new classrooms will enable us to offer a robust, full-time pre-kindergarten program which we have previously not been able to offer because of space restrictions. With today’s working families we heard the need and this is how we are responding.”

CTTCS will begin the new program this upcoming school year using shared space and will move into the new building once completed.

Monsignor John Hopkins, pastor of St. Margaret of Scotland and Canonical Administrator of the school, said the parish social hall will give the community a “much-needed gathering area with a kitchen and space for meetings and social events which was part of our original construction plan in 1999 when the parish was founded as we were worshiping in the warehouse in the Pencader Corporate Center.”

The parish has grown and the added space for community building and gathering will be a welcome addition to the needs of the people, he said.