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Father Leonard Klein honored by St. Thomas More Society of Diocese of Wilmington

Father Leonard Klein
The annual award dinner of the St. Thomas More Society of the Diocese of Wilmington on May 19 included, from left, Bishop Malooly, award winner Father Leonard Klein and Sara Bussiere, society president.

The St. Thomas More Society of the Diocese of Wilmington honored its chaplain, Father Leonard Klein, at its annual award dinner May 19 at Wilmington Country Club.

The society of legal professionals marked its 31th anniversary.

Father Klein is the rector of Cathedral of St. Peter in Wilmington, and pastor of St. Patrick and St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Wilmington. He is also director of Pro Life Activities for the Diocese of Wilmington.

The St. Thomas More Society of the Diocese of Wilmington describes itself as a group dedicated to justice, personal courage and conviction, commitment to law, community and religion, scholarly pursuits, intelligence, honesty and integrity, humility and humor, and a record of personal sacrifice for the good of the community. The society is a fellowship of attorneys committed to the example set by Saint Thomas More, promoting and fostering high ethical principles, assisting in the spiritual growth of its members and encouraging interfaith understanding.