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Mass and all-class reunion draw alumni back to St. Anthony of Padua Church and school: Photo gallery

Judy White, the principal at St. Anthony of Padua School, speaks at Mass on Nov. 10 while surrounded by students. Photo courtesy of St. Anthony of Padua School

St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Wilmington continued its centennial celebration on Nov. 10 with a Mass and reunion for alumni, friends, families and former and current staff members from the elementary school.

After Mass, the reunion took place throughout the school building, with historical exhibits and memorabilia, tours and refreshments, according to Anthony Albence, a member of the parish’s centennial committee. St. Anthony of Padua School has been around for more than 80 years, 70 of them in the current building, which was built largely by parishioners.

The celebration continues on Christmas Eve with the revival of a parish midnight Mass. This year will mark 100 years to the day of the first Mass celebrated at St. Anthony’s. On Jan. 12, 2025, a jubilee Mass is scheduled and will honor the tradition of the Via Crucis, the passion play performed in pantomime that has been a part of the parish for 80 years. That Mass and reception will include signups for this year’s production.

All photos courtesy of St. Anthony of Padua School.