Home Education and Careers Immaculate Conception School graduation in Elkton, Md.: PHOTO GALLERY

Immaculate Conception School graduation in Elkton, Md.: PHOTO GALLERY

Eighth-graders were greeted by these signs when arriving for their graduation. Dialog photo/Mike Lang

ELKTON, Md. — Eighth-grade students arrived one-by-one every 10 minutes for their graduation on June 3 at Immaculate Conception School in Elkton, Md. The school is closing after 93 years of service.

The graduates walked down the sidewalk in front of the school and received a diploma and any awards they had earned. The faculty and staff applauded from across the street. Gift bags also awaited the new alumni.

The service, which was live-streamed, was nearly derailed by heavy winds and rain, but the weather cleared before the evening ceremony.

All photos by Mike Lang.