Home Our Diocese St. Edmond’s dinner for international students in Rehoboth Beach joined by Bishop...

St. Edmond’s dinner for international students in Rehoboth Beach joined by Bishop Malooly

Preparing for the meal are, from left,Terry Lopez, Teresa Tumini, Terry Treglia, Charlotte Duffy, Bishop Malooly, Barbara Cumella, Mary Lou Korzenewski, Mary Jo Venerus, Linda Coxton, Mary Cappelli, and Karen Coombe.

Bishop Malooly stopped in at St. Edmonds church hall on Wednesday, Aug. 14, while the Ladies of The Ancient Order of Hibernians were cooking and serving dinner for the international students who visit Rehoboth Beach every summer to work at various establishments.

The program provides free dinners for students who come to the United States each summer to fill seasonal jobs at the Rehoboth, Del., and Ocean City, Md.