Tag: diaconate
Homily by Bishop Malooly resonated with Dennis Stameza, who will be...
EDITOR'S NOTE: The original online version of this story and the one in print in The Dialog included the incorrect site of Dennis Stameza's...
Brennan Ferris to be ordained to transitional diaconate Saturday at St....
WILMINGTON — Brennan Ferris, a seminarian studying for the priesthood for the Diocese of Wilmington, will be ordained to the transitional diaconate on May...
Diaconate of Diocese of Wilmington native Michael Preston — Photo gallery
It was more than four years since a transitional diaconate had been celebrated at Cathedral of St. Peter in the Diocese of Wilmington.
Like many...
Idea of having women deacons ‘about ministry,’ not ‘power,’ says speaker
NEW YORK — Ordaining women to the permanent diaconate now, when the church is “crying for ministry,” is a logical way to fulfill its...