Tag: faith
Living liturgically means living Lent all year — Jaymie Stuart...
Living liturgically means approaching Lent as a built-in annual retreat. For most Catholics, that takes a time-tested and traditional shape. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving...
Question Corner: Does lack of faith prevent healing from happening?
Q: When I was Evangelical, we were told Jesus wanted to heal us, every time; we need only ask “in his name.” If we...
‘Don’t become a Sacristy Rat’ and other good advice for new...
Becoming a Roman Catholic was one of the best decisions I ever made, and certainly the most life-changing. But in truth I had only...
Remember, the church is a supernatural institution made up of fallen...
Most of us Catholics are too worldly, as we know from every examination of conscience -- and yet in another sense we’re not worldly...
Call it ‘Ecclesiolatry’: Focus on Jesus rather than trappings of faith...
Our Catholic faith has a rich heritage of truth, goodness and beauty derived through Scripture, sacraments, the lives of the saints, moral and systematic...
Question Corner: The difference between orders and vows; laypeople as saints...
Q: What is the difference between Orders and Vows? Are nuns actually laypersons? (Glendale, Calif.)
A: Holy Orders is the sacrament through which a baptized...
‘Nativity of the Virgin’ conveys humble joy St. Joachim and St....
Throughout the seasons and feasts of the liturgical year, the church pauses to give special honor to Mary, mother of Jesus, the son of...
Pilgrimages help us to see ourselves, our homes and our world...
So many significant moments in my spiritual life are tied to sights, smells, sounds and emotions felt on a pilgrimage: The deep sigh after...
A tale of two weddings: Opportunities to evangelize are close to...
How do we attract people to our church? How do we invite people to "come and see"? These are questions being asked with greater...
Visiting Jerusalem reminds us faith can be strengthened by envisioning the...
Any Christian who goes to Jerusalem will come away inspired by the experience of visiting a city where Jesus walked.
Of course, as with all...