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Jaymie Stuart Wolfe, OSV News

Jaymie Stuart Wolfe, OSV News

Total immersion is the only way to successfully return to and...

They say learning a language is like riding a bicycle, but I'm not sure I believe that. Back in the day, I was pretty...

With the whole world as a sanctuary of his presence, God...

I'm old enough to remember reading "Highlights Magazine" in the waiting room at the doctor's office. My favorite feature was the "Hidden Pictures" puzzle....

‘Now and at the hour of our death’ reminds us that...

Catholics love tradition, and that's a good thing. The treasures of the church are a rich spiritual inheritance for all God's children and a...

Prayer is the most sustained battle of the Christian life —...

"Choose your battles" is generally good advice. It's wise to acknowledge that not every fight can be won; that we may not have the...

Story of Joan of Arc proves one summer — and prayer...

Whether our hopes for this summer have been fulfilled or not, the season is waning. Most kids have returned to school, and the full...

Missing the Eucharistic pilgrimages? No worries, walking did not bring Jesus...

Not going to Indy? I’m sorry I won't see you there. But take heart. You aren't missing anything truly important. Don't get me wrong,...

The Sacred Heart of Jesus leads us on the path to...

Every sincere Catholic hopes for a revival of the faith -- even if we don't all agree about what that should look like. But...

Sanctifying work: more than a way to make a living?

My mind has been focused on work a lot lately. That's probably because in seven of our eight adult children's households, someone has been...

‘It is the Lord!’ — We experience God’s presence in creation,...

If there's one thing we can learn from those who encountered the Risen Lord during the 40 days between his Resurrection and Ascension, it's...

Living liturgically means living Lent all year — Jaymie Stuart...

Living liturgically means approaching Lent as a built-in annual retreat. For most Catholics, that takes a time-tested and traditional shape. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving...