Tag: Jaymie Stuart Wolfe
With the whole world as a sanctuary of his presence, God...
I'm old enough to remember reading "Highlights Magazine" in the waiting room at the doctor's office. My favorite feature was the "Hidden Pictures" puzzle....
‘It is the Lord!’ — We experience God’s presence in creation,...
If there's one thing we can learn from those who encountered the Risen Lord during the 40 days between his Resurrection and Ascension, it's...
Let God choose your Lenten sacrifice; challenge at a deeper level...
“What are you giving up for Lent?” For many Catholics, the question appears almost automatically — and even before the last box of Christmas...
Our on-demand lifestyle isn’t fair in what it demands of other...
How we live our lives is substantially different from how our parents and grandparents lived theirs. We no longer need to wait a whole...