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CALL NOW: Tell Delaware Senate ‘No!’ before vote today — ...

UPDATE: Delaware Senate places physician-assisted suicide bill HB140 on today's agenda (June 20, 2024).  Catholic Advocacy Network: "Contact your Delaware State Senator and urge them...

Vigil held at new abortion facility near Elsmere; pro-life event to...

The Knights of Columbus hold a prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood in Wilmington on the first Saturday of each month, but on Feb. 3...

Death-by-legislation is not how it’s supposed to be in Delaware or...

An honest man doesn’t need to tell you he’s honest. A wise, old friend shared that with me many years ago and I’ve never forgotten....

Abortion opponents rally in Dover as proposed laws languish in Delaware...

DOVER, DE. - Two bills designed to limit abortion remain mired in committee and face an uncertain future in Delaware’s legislature. The two, Senate Bills...

Packed hearing at Delaware state senate hears testimony on bills aimed...

DOVER -- An overflow crowd crammed into a Legislative Hall hearing room before a senate committee chairwoman decided to move the group of several...