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Tag: Oblate Sisters of Providence

After 191 years, Oblate Sisters are honored for heroic ministry during...

BALTIMORE -- The cholera epidemic that ravaged Baltimore in the summer of 1832 was one of the worst public health crises the city ever...

Mother Mary Lange, foundress of the Oblate Sisters of Providence, answered...

Servant of God Mother Mary Lange was an independent thinker and a woman of action. There is a bit of confusion about where Elizabeth Clarisse...

Oblate Sister of Providence Mary Reginald Gerdes a memorable educator in...

2020 was a year of monumental losses for the nation's community of women religious. Among them was the passing of 88-year-old Oblate Sister of Providence,...

Viewpoint: Black History Month has a little known Catholic history as...

In 1949, famed Harlem Renaissance writer Langston Hughes celebrated Negro History Week (the precursor to Black History Month) with members of the Oblate Sisters...