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Question Corner: Why more Paul than Peter in Scripture, and how...

Q: I’m confused as to why, if Peter was our first pope, we have only two of his writings in the New Testament. James,...

Addressing our fear: God will use your suffering and fear for...

"Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid." Jesus spoke these words to his disciples (Jn 14:27) at the Last Supper, when he himself...

Scripture shows us many examples of people experiencing fear

The word "fear" has such a negative connotation to us. We fear our kids getting hurt. We fear spiders. We fear failure. We fear...

Pope Francis: Scripture is not meant to be stuck on paper...

VATICAN CITY -- Praying with Scripture is not meant to be a mindless repetition of biblical quotes but instead is a gift that is...

Find angels in Scripture — and everyday life

"In my old age 'angels,' as I call them, have come to me," a 95-year-old woman named Erminia told Pope Francis during his March...