Jenna Marie Cooper J.C.L., OSV News
Question Corner: Who is entitled to wear a clerical collar and...
Q: What is the criteria determining who can wear a "clerical collar"? I'm not sure if it varies from one seminary/diocese to another, but...
Question Corner: Why can’t we just get general absolution instead of...
Q: My brother says that since there are fewer confession times these days, priests should give a general absolution following the "Confiteor" at Mass...
Question Corner: Are spiritual communion and sacramental Communion the same in...
Q: Some people have said a spiritual communion is the same as a sacramental Communion when one has a sincere desire and cannot receive...
Question Corner: What is the Catholic Church’s position on cremation?
Q: What is the position or rule of the church concerning cremation? (Indiana)
A: There is a short answer to your question in Paragraph 2301...
Question Corner: What are rules for communion in a complex marriage...
Q: I am baptized Catholic and was married in a Catholic church. Then I was divorced and remarried in a Methodist church. She is...
Question Corner: What level of involvement in abortion carries the penalty...
Q: I've heard that a Catholic who is involved in an abortion is automatically excommunicated. But where do you draw the line in terms...
Question Corner: Why do you need to be confirmed to be...
Q: I wanted my aunt and uncle to be godparents for my new baby. Both my aunt and uncle went through 12 years of...
Question Corner: Is a parish required to provide a screen and...
Q: Is a parish required to provide a screen and kneeler in the confessional? Our pastor moved our confessional from a room with screen...
Question Corner: Is Ordinary Time really so ‘ordinary?’
Q: I once heard a priest talk about Ordinary Time and that it didn't mean "plain" or that other times were more important. Of...
Question Corner: Can severe mental illness be a reason why a...
Q: If a Catholic couple gets married in the Church but later it emerges that one of them is suffering from a severe mental...