Catholics from throughout the Diocese of Wilmington are invited to receive the sacrament of reconciliation (confession) at any of the 56 parish churches in Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore, on Monday, April 3, from 3-8 p.m., during the second annual diocesanwide ‘Reconciliation Monday.’
The event is designed to make it more convenient for Catholics to receive the sacrament at the end of Lent and beginning of Holy Week, in anticipation of the celebration of Easter.
“Last year’s inaugural Reconciliation Monday was very well received, with over 5,000 Catholics participating,” said Bishop Koenig. “Many people who had fallen away from their faith, used this opportunity to participate in the sacrament of reconciliation and return to Mass at Easter. We invite all Catholics – whether it has been months, years, or decades since their last confession – to take advantage of this diocesanwide event in which all of our priests will participate.”
All parishes offer the sacrament of reconciliation on a regular basis. Many parishes offer penance services during Lent. Last year was the first time in diocesan history, that all parishes held concurrent confessions. While all parishes will participate, it is not possible for every mission church in the diocese to hold confessions due to the limited number of priests.
Parishioners are encouraged to check their local parish website or before heading out.
According to the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, Jesus entrusted the ministry of reconciliation to the church. The sacrament of penance (reconciliation or confession) is God’s gift to humanity so that any sin committed after baptism can be forgiven, Catholics believe. Confession offers the opportunity to repent and recover the grace of friendship with God. It is a holy moment in which individuals open themselves to God’s presence and honestly acknowledge their sins, especially mortal sins. Absolution brings reconciliation with God and the church.
The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington was established in 1868 and comprises 56 parishes, 18 missions and 27 schools serving the state of Delaware and the nine counties of Maryland’s Eastern Shore. There are more than 240,000 Catholics in the diocese. Information about the diocese is available at