On this Catholic Forum podcast, after a news update from the pages of The Dialog and a beautiful Advent song from Beth Neilsen Chapman’s “Hymns” CD, we talk with author and teacher, Steffani Aquila, about her new book, “Festive Faith: Catholic Celebrations Through the Year and Around the World.”
In the book, Steffani tells us how to live liturgically and bring Catholic customs to our homes and parishes, especially during Advent and Christmas.
Order the book at AveMariaPress.com, use the code AQUILA20 and get your copy for only $20!
You can see a video of this interview on the Diocese of Wilmington’s YouTube channel – YouTube.com/DioceseofWilm. Catholic Forum is a production of the Diocese of Wilmington’s Office of Communications. Please like and subscribe!
Video and Podcast drop Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 12 p.m. Eastern Time.
• Podcast Link – catholicforumradio.libsyn.com/celebrate-our-festive-faith-with-steffani-aqulia
• Video Link – youtu.be/YvQMQtp8wBI?si=Mta4_9BitY2l_tk_
• Airs on Relevant Radio 640AM WWJZ Saturday, Dec. 14 at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time.