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Catholic Schools Week closes as many students, teachers and staff help highlight special places of learning — Photo gallery

Catholic Schools Week Mass at Holy Cross Church in Dover. Courtesy photo.

It didn’t matter if it was pre-kindergarten kids.

It didn’t matter if it was fifth graders.

Lots of freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors were into it, too.

Another Catholic Schools Week was wrapping up in the Diocese of Wilmington and schools in Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland were showing why their place of learning is something special — and fun, too.

Clergy appreciation, dress like your teacher, book fairs, volleyball showdowns, school Masses, pot luck lunch, praying the rosary, making cards for religious, prayers for the nation and military families, welcoming grandparents, raising the flag, volunteer recognition, bilingual children’s Mass, food collections and much more were among the school activities organized to celebrate Catholic Schools Week in the Diocese of Wilmington Catholic Schools.

Here are photos of some activities.