The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington has released a new video tour of historic St. Patrick’s Chapel in Pilottstown (Conowingo), Md. The chapel was built 200 years ago to serve the Irish immigrant community that came to western Cecil County to build the canals along that portion of the Susquehanna River. The video, a production of the diocesan Office of Communications, is the sixth in a series featuring historic churches of Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore, and is available free to the public on the Diocese of Wilmington’s YouTube channel – www.youtube.com/user/DioceseofWilm
The video tour is hosted by Mr. Bill Paré, founding member of the St. Patrick’s Chapel Historical Society, and features music performed by members of the Irish Jasper Greens band. The tour includes the chapel cemetery containing the graves of the Glacken family whose ancestor sold the property to the Catholic Church in 1819, and the family of engineer and inventor, Robert Fulton. Additionally, the renovations that took place in the early part of this century are highlighted.
The video is the latest in a series of video tours of historic Catholic churches in the Diocese of Wilmington. Other churches included St. Francis Xavier Shrine (Old Bohemia) in Warwick, Cecil County, Md.; Old St. Joseph’s Mission Church near Cordova, in Talbot County, Md.; St. Peter the Apostle Church in Queenstown, Queen Anne’s County, Md.; St. Mary Star of the Sea and Tubman Chapel in Golden Hill, Dorchester County, Md., and the Cathedral of St. Peter in Wilmington, Del.
Additionally, the diocese produced and released a short video on the life of Maryland Eastern Shore native, the Rev. Paul Wattson, SA, (1863-1940) – also known as Father Paul of Graymoor – who may be the first person born in what is now the Diocese, to be a canonized saint. All these videos are available on the YouTube site.
The Most Rev. W. Francis Malooly, Bishop of the Diocese of Wilmington, will celebrate a special 200th anniversary Mass at the chapel on Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Chapel located at 237 Pleasant Grove Road, Conowingo, Md. 21918. More information is available at stpatschapel.org or Facebook.com/StPatricksChapel.
The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington was established in 1868 and comprises 56 parishes, 18 missions and 36 schools serving the State of Delaware and the nine counties of Maryland’s Eastern Shore. More information is available at www.cdow.org.