Mallory O’Mara-Tunell knows it was more than just fate that brought her to Holy Cross School in Dover. Still, the sign was there.
When O’Mara-Tunell was in seventh grade, her family moved to Delaware from Staten Island, N.Y. She recalled that they used to stay at the hotel at Dover Downs. Once, when her parents were finalizing housing plans, O’Mara-Tunell accompanied her grandmother to Mass at the nearest Catholic church, which happened to be Holy Cross. And although the young girl was not too excited about moving, she felt better after going to that Mass.
“My grandmother had recently passed away, so when I saw that this job at Holy Cross was available, I kind of felt, like, full circle,” she said in mid-August. “This was where my journey started. My grandmother helped me with my faith journey, so that’s what kind of pushed me.”
O’Mara-Tunell, 27, comes to Holy Cross from St. John the Beloved School, where she taught third grade for four years before a year in fifth grade. She always wanted to move into administration, and after earning a master’s degree in leadership, she interned for a year at St. John the Beloved.
But she wasn’t about to apply for just any job, she said. It had to feel right. And all of the pieces came together at Holy Cross.
She will be the youngest principal in the diocese, so she has leaned on others who became leaders at a young age during her transition. She believes she has the energy and vision to take Holy Cross to new heights.
“I want to really grow with the school,” she said.
After moving to Delaware, she attended Christ the Teacher Catholic School before going to St. Georges Technical High School, where she was on the education track. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Washington College in Chestertown, Md.
“Education has always been my thing. It’s always been what I’m passionate about, and I’ve always wanted to grow in that,” she said.
Education runs in the family. Her mother, Denise, is an aide at Christ the Teacher. Her grandmother’s family had some women religious who taught. One of her sisters just accepted a job at St. John the Beloved.
O’Mara-Tunell, who lives in Middletown, did not waste any time getting going at Holy Cross. The day after school ended, she was in the office in Dover. She had optional meetings with all of the teachers, and all but one teacher accepted the invitation. The other one was away.
“I got to talk to them a little bit about the school and why they’re here, and what’s important to them on a personal level,” she said. “I got to see the school from their eyes.”
O’Mara-Tunell is not anticipating any drastic changes in the school. She expects to do a lot of observing this year.
A newlywed, O’Mara-Tunell and her husband, Blair, married last October. They love to travel, having recently taken a trip to Ireland and Switzerland. They also like local destinations, such as Dewey Beach. Their favorite spot in the town is also the inspiration for their dog’s name, Rudder.