By Delaware Catholic Advocacy Network
The bill to legalize physician-assisted suicide was passed out of committee and is on the “ready list” to be considered by the Delaware House of Representatives.
Delaware Catholic Advocacy Network opposition is rooted in the church’s belief in the sanctity of life and the dignity of the individual, both of which are objective and non-negotiable truths and principles of our faith.
Efforts on the part of the Catholic community, other faith groups, medical professionals, Saint Francis Hospital, and advocates for persons with disabilities, kept this legislation from becoming law in recent legislative sessions. We need to do so again. You can play an important role by contacting your state representative to urge them to oppose this bill and to vote “no” should it come before the House. Use the link below to send an email to your State Representative.
Click the link below to log in and send your message:
If you have sent your representative emails opposing House Bill 140 in the past and did not get a reply, please consider phoning them at 302-744-4114. Email addresses can be found at or by calling the same number and asking for your representatives’ email address. Or click here for a directory.
You can get more information about the dangers of physician assisted suicide at