Tag: Teryn Singer
Lydia Colasante nets nine goals as Tatnall girls lacrosse overwhelms Archmere:...
CLAYMONT — Two of Delaware’s premier girls lacrosse programs got together on May 7 in less-than-ideal conditions, but the rain, wind and unseasonable chill...
Tatnall overpowers Ursuline in top-10 girls lacrosse play, 16-7: Photo gallery
GREENVILLE — Ursuline battled Tatnall in their lacrosse meeting on April 2, hanging close to the Hornets well into the first half before Tatnall...
Tatnall remains undefeated in lacrosse after high-scoring win over Ursuline: Photo...
WILMINGTON — The fourth-ranked Tatnall Hornets went on a four-goal run late in the second half to defeat No. 5 Ursuline, 14-11, in a lacrosse...