Home Catechetical Corner Our Lenten Journey, March 17, 2022

Our Lenten Journey, March 17, 2022


Today’s reflection:

“Each and all shall render account for even our smallest sins before the judgement seat of Christ the Lord.” ― St. Patrick, The Confession of Saint Patrick

Although more autobiography than traditional confession, the “Confessio” of St. Patrick is a fascinating first-hand account of the life of a fifth century saint. In one sense, just as Patrick is relaying the story of his life, should not confession and reconciliation be the same for us? Telling the truth of our life to the priest to become better people and connect with God? Something to think about as we approach Reconciliation Monday.


To help the faithful observe Lent in the Diocese of Wilmington, this year’s annual Lenten Journey will focus on the theme of Reconciliation, in anticipation of Reconciliation Monday, April 11.

Prepare for Reconciliation Monday by reading The Dialog story here: ‘Reconciliation Monday’ April 11 helps all in Diocese of Wilmington prepare for Easter

For more information on Reconciliation Monday from the diocesan website, click here:

For resources on how to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation:


Basic explanation of the Sacrament:


Resources about the sacrament:


A step-by-step guide to Reconciliation:
