Home Catechetical Corner Our Lenten Journey April 15, 2022

Our Lenten Journey April 15, 2022


“Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” — Luke, 23:34

We’ve now reached the end of our Lenten Journey, as we observe Good Friday and remember Jesus’ death on the cross. Even though he endured unbearable suffering, he asked for the forgiveness of those who condemned him. Shouldn’t we do the same —  forgive others, forgive ourselves, and ask for God’s forgiveness as well?

If you didn’t get a chance to participate in Reconciliation Monday, it’s still not too late. Most, if not all, parishes in the Diocese of Wilmington have opportunities for Reconciliation during Holy Week. Check on local parishes websites for days and times.


For resources on how to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation:


Basic explanation of the Sacrament:


Resources about the sacrament:


A step-by-step guide to Reconciliation:
