Home Education and Careers St. Mary Magdalen School brings joy to Catholic Schools Week with mascot...

St. Mary Magdalen School brings joy to Catholic Schools Week with mascot dance off: Photo gallery

Benny the Bulldog captures the attention of the home fans at St. Mary Magdalen during the mascot dance off. Dialog photo/Mike Lang

WILMINGTON — Students at St. Mary Magdalen joined their counterparts from several schools around the Diocese of Wilmington for a little Catholic Schools Week fun on Jan. 30. The schools had a mascot dance off, connecting via Zoom for the afternoon event.

St. Mary Magdalen was the host school, and students there filled the gymnasium to watch mascots from St. Anthony of Padua, Padua Academy, Christ the Teacher and St. Elizabeth School take to the screen before the hometown favorite, Benny the Bulldog, wrapped up the festivities.

The students cheered each of the mascots on the screen. All performed solo except for Padua’s Panda, who was joined by members of the school’s dance team. Their entry generated a lot of excitement among the students. Benny the Bulldog, however, clearly was the favorite.

The dance off started as a campaign for office for St. Mary Magdalen eighth-grader Grace Shenal.

“The eighth-grade student council president used this to run for president. She wanted to do a mascot dance off. It turned into this,” said William Broelmann, a St. Mary Magdalen teacher and student council moderator.

The event was held virtually, and it is something St. Mary Magdalen hopes can become an annual event, said Katie McKinley, the school’s technology coordinator and a student council moderator. Organizing began a little late, she said, and with more lead time, more schools might join in.

“Everybody thought it was a great idea but didn’t necessarily have time in their schedule in order to join us,” she said.

After the mascots finished, superintendent of schools Lou De Angelo addressed the schools via Zoom.

“I hope these mascots are going to get you up and ready to dance,” he said. “Have a fun week. I hope that next year we’re going to do it again. Maybe next year we’re going to get your principals out there dancing.”

Photos by Mike Lang.