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Catholic Charities receives grant for case management

Catholic Charities received $12,500 from the Delaware Community Foundation. (Dialog photo/Mike Lang)

The latest round of grants from the Delaware Community Foundation’s COVID-19 Strategic Response Fund benefited 13 nonprofit organizations, including Catholic Charities. A total of $233,000 was distributed in the fifth round of funding.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington received $12,500 to provide case management for families in need statewide. Charities recently has experienced a large increase in requests for financial assistance and service during the coronavirus pandemic shutdown.

Thirty-five applicants applied for $1.3 million from the fund, which launched on Mary 18. Sixty-two recipients have received $1.5 million thus far.

The fund will provide grants weekly through Memorial Day, then resume two weeks later. Application deadlines are noon on May 11 and 18 for the pre-Memorial Day funding and June 1 and 15 for the later awards. The June grants will target nonprofit organizations, with specific guidelines that will be posted on the DCF website.

The Longwood Foundation recently awarded a $500,000 grant to the DCF with the stipulation that the community must raise a matching amount by May 30. To contribute to the fund, go to www.delcf.org/covid19-fund or contact Joan Hoge-North at jhoge-north@delcf.org.