Home Our Diocese Maryland Catholic Conference candidate 2020 survey for first congressional district

Maryland Catholic Conference candidate 2020 survey for first congressional district


Diocese of Wilmington

About the surveys

Every Presidential election year, the Maryland Catholic Conference surveys the state’s candidates for U.S. Congress on their positions regarding issues of interest to Catholics.

The responses of the Democratic and Republican candidates whose Congressional districts are in the Diocese of Wilmington appear in the accompanying grid. To find your Congressional district, click here. (bit.ly/MDcongress)Candidates were asked to “agree” or “disagree” with a list of statements. A  indicates “agree” and an indicates “disagree.” A blank response means the candidate did not respond. Candidates who did not respond to the survey at all are marked “did not respond.”

Candidates also were invited to provide a brief statement about why Maryland Catholics should vote for them. Their responses are on the Maryland Catholic Conference website: mdcatholic.org/elections.

Candidates were contacted multiple times via email and non-responding candidates by phone during August and September.

This survey is provided as a resource for voters. The Maryland Catholic Conference does not endorse nor oppose any candidate, under any circumstance, and no inference of endorsement or opposition should be concluded as a result of the information provided here.

Important Election Dates in Maryland

Oct. 13: Deadline to register to vote

Oct. 20: Mail-in ballot requests must be received

Oct. 26-Nov. 2: Early voting

Nov. 3: Election Day

Links to register to vote or request a mail-in ballot along with other information are online at mdcatholic.org/elections.