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Elizabeth Scalia, OSV News


Finding faith, hope and courage in the Seven Sorrows devotion with...

On March 17, St. Patrick may get all the noisy notice, but just two days later, Catholics celebrate the solemnity of St. Joseph --...

‘Pajama days’ can provide genuine renewal to body, mind and soul...

Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Although I've given up grousing for Lent, I recently found myself complaining to anyone who would listen that life was beginning...

St. Josephine Bakhita, patron saint of survivors of human trafficking, inspires...

When she was canonized by Pope St. John Paul in 2000, Josephine Bakhita immediately became the patron saint of survivors of human trafficking. Even a...

It’s worth recalling a wry old Jewish maxim: ‘You make plans;...

Like St. Teresa of Avila, I have a skull on my desk. Two, actually -- one plain and one riotously decorated in green and...
