Home Authors Posts by Virginia Durkin O'Shea, Dialog Staff

Virginia Durkin O'Shea, Dialog Staff


Our Lenten Journey, March 13: St. Marianne of Molokai

Most Catholics have heard of Father Damien of Molokai and his work with the lepers in Hawaii. But did you also know about his...

Our Lenten Journey, March 12: Blessed Angela Salawa

She was a simple woman who worked as a nurse and spent the last years of her life alone and in poverty. She didn't...

Our Lenten Journey, March 11: St. Martha

Not much is known about the life of St. Martha, except for the few mentions she receives in the Gospels. What we do know is...

Our Lenten Journey, March 10: St. Monica

Even though she lived more than 1600 years ago, St. Monica faced some of the same problems of today’s women. Her husband had a...

Our Lenten Journey, March 9: St. Helena

Our sacred churches in the Holy Land might not even exist if it were not for the journeys of one remarkable woman: St. Helena. Helena...

Our Lenten Journey, March 8: Clare of Assisi

St. Clare of Assisi was one of the first women Franciscans and founder of a worldwide order of contemplative sisters, choosing to leave a...

Our Lenten Journey, March 7: Perpetua and Felicity

St. Perpetua, a noblewoman, and St. Felicity, a slave, were bound together in death when they were executed for the crime of being Christian...

Our Lenten Journey, March 6: Teresa of Avila

Born in an era between the voyages of Columbus and the Protestant Reformation, St. Teresa of Avila seemed destined from birth to have a...

Our Lenten Journey, March 5: St. Jeanne Jugan

“Refuse God nothing … We must do all through love.” This beautiful advice comes from a woman who gave her heart to serving God’s poor...

Our Lenten Journey, March 4: St. Hildegard

Although she lived in medieval times, St. Hildegarde of Bingen could definitely been seen as a “Renaissance woman.” Mystic, herbalist, scientist, composer, brewer, theologian...
