Home Catechetical Corner Our Lenten Journey, Good Friday, March 29, 2024

Our Lenten Journey, Good Friday, March 29, 2024


Welcome to Our Lenten Journey for Good Friday, March 29, the most solemn day of the year. Remember to set aside time today in silence to meditate on the death of Jesus on the cross. Find the readings for today here: Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion: bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/032924.cfm

There is no Mass on Good Friday, but most parishes will have prayer/liturgy services. If you can make time, you might find it spiritually fulfilling to go to church today. Celebrating the Resurrection on Sunday means more if we first understand the Lord’s death on Good Friday.

Looking for Holy Week inspiration? Gretchen Crowe of OSV offers five tips for Holy Week in her column “Holy Week is a chance to refocus, reflect and renew as we wind down our Lenten journeys”.


March 25 was Reconciliation Monday. If you had the chance to participate in the sacrament on this special day, that’s wonderful. However, if your schedule didn’t allow time, no worries. Most, if not all, parishes in the Diocese of Wilmington have opportunities for Reconciliation during Holy Week.

For more information and to find a parish in the Diocese of Wilmington, go to www.cdow.org/about-the-diocese/mission-statistics-map/ and use the interactive map to guide you to a local parish.

• Click here for resources on how to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a basic explanation of the Sacrament.

• Click here for resources for individuals wishing to receive the Sacrament.

• Click here for a valuable step-by-step guide to Reconciliation from the USCCB.


This is also the year of Parish Revival in the National Eucharistic Revival in the Church. Read more about the role of the Eucharist in our lives in  “The Mystery of the Eucharist and the Call to Love and Transform.” Learn more about the Eucharistic Revival here: www.eucharisticrevival.org/