Home Education and Careers ‘Wiggly’ makes special appearance, pushes Christ the Teacher Catholic School fundraiser over...

‘Wiggly’ makes special appearance, pushes Christ the Teacher Catholic School fundraiser over the top


Wiggly the Pig visited Christ the Teacher Catholic School on Thursday, May 2. Her sister, Piggly, stayed home on the deBrabander Farm in Townsend, Delaware. Wiggly’s arrival was the culmination of a fundraising program at the school.

During morning announcements on April 17, Principal Kelly Lanza spun the “Wheel Unfortunate” to learn her fate if the school raised $38,000 for the 2nd Annual Fun Run on April 26. Unfortunately for Mrs. Lanza, the pointer landed on ‘Kiss a Pig.’

She graciously accepted the wheel’s decision, anticipating the reward of new cafeteria tables and an outdoor fitness area if the school reached the fundraising goal. Students and staff solicited flat and per-lap donations for the run. Parents were asked to set up a donation page and share the link with family and friends.

Incentives were offered during the contest. Students who registered by April 18 were allowed to wear pajamas to school. They earned a Glow Dance when seventy-five percent of the school registered. By the end of the fundraiser, ninety-five percent of students had registered. Other rewards included Crazy Hair Day, Hat Day, and Extra Recess. Upper cluster students participated in a Color Run during their turn on the field.

Principal Kelly Lanza

Students also won prizes for levels of participation. “Key chains were a popular award,” said Mrs. Kelli Colella, Assistant Principal and Chairperson for the Fun Run.

Two days before the Run, the school was $3,000 short of their goal. As a final push, school administrators offered a fun motivation− any student who got a new donation that evening could wear a team jersey of their choice to school the next day. By Thursday morning, the target was achieved, and students arrived for classes in a colorful assortment of shirts.